RNRMC and Greenwich Hospital fund Albatross Arts CIC pilot project to work with children and young people in Helensburgh


Last year, the RNRMC and Greenwich Hospital funded Albatross Arts CIC for a project to work with children and young people in Helensburgh.  

They ran workshops to create two animated films and had young people from 4 different schools join in. The films, or ‘Shanty Stories’ were an inclusive, intergenerational family project, very much led and created by the families, with a helping hand from the team, of course!  

At the end of last year, they hired the local cinema and had a showing of the films, followed by a Christmas film, giving 56 Naval families (over 100 people), plus the local community, a wonderful evening. 

Link to Final Animated films: https://f.io/9nl3GBvG