As part of the Sportsdrome refurbishments, HMS Oardacious - Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, a fund managed by Royal Navy & Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) family, were proud to support the refurbishment of the yoga suite at HMNB Clyde. The project allows personnel to participate in a wider range of physical activity and improve their mental and physical wellbeing.
HMNB Clyde, the home of the Royal Navy Submarine Service - HMS Neptune Sportsdrome offers a full range of sports and activities at the well-appointed facility. Personnel at the Sportsdrome recently celebrated with the opening of a newly upgraded gymnasium, rebranded as “The Trident Gym”, includes an area for boxing, strength conditioning, and functional fitness. It will also be used by Submarine Qualifying Course (SMQ) students, keeping them physically and mentally fit to fight and win.
The RNRMC has been actively championing various initiatives to enhance the mental health and wellbeing of military personnel, recognising that mental health is as crucial as physical fitness. Spotting a gap in service provision at HMS Neptune for individuals leaving the care of Physiotherapy who are working towards an independent training program - yoga can build body confidence with strength and flexibility without impact on joints.

The yoga suite, serves as an important resource for personnel, offering a calming environment where they can engage in mindfulness, yoga, and relaxation techniques. These activities are proven to have positive effects on mental health, especially in often high-stress environments like the military. By promoting practices such as yoga, we can help personnel manage the physical and mental pressures of their service time more effectively.
Through this initiative, the RNRMC, alongside HMS Oardacious – Submarine Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, continue to lead and pursue efforts in supporting the quality of life of serving personnel, ensuring they have access to important resources.