The Afghanistan Veterans’ Fund - RMA- The Royal Marines Charity Films Released.

Afghan Fund image


RMA – The Royal Marines Charity received two grants worth a total of £141,000 to help support a number of activities and programmes. These were designed to help improve the wellbeing, resilience and promote good mental health to those veterans who have served in Afghanistan and other recent conflicts, and their families.    


The money has been disseminated by the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity (RNRMC) on behalf of the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust’s Afghanistan Veterans’ Fund at the request of The Office for Veterans Affairs.   


A part of this grant has gone towards the production of two films which focus upon the experiences of two former Royal Marines that served in Afghanistan. The films detail how the support they received from RMA- The Royal Marines Charity helped to transform their lives. To watch these films, click the links below.


I am grateful to be a part of such an amazing initiative that will enable people to experience the profound impact of sharing stories and the strength that can be found in opening up. The RNRMC cannot thank Phil and Steve enough for giving us and the wider community an insight into their lived experience and hardships.

Mandy Lindley, Director of Funding and Relationships at RNRMC


Steve’s Story.

Phil’s Story.