VIVO Defence Events
The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity and VIVO Defence
We are delighted that VIVO Defence has decided to support the Royal Navy community through staff fundraising activity to support our work.
Beneficiaries lie at the heart of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity's purpose, it is our duty to remain focused on their needs. Since 2007, we have funded projects and facilities that boost morale for those who serve today. We also distribute millions of pounds annually to military charities which care for the children, families and veterans of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines.
We hope you will be willing to help us continue this work by making a donation, organising fundraising activities with your colleagues or taking part in one of our exciting events. To let us know about your planned fundraising, or for help with any questions, please contact fundraising@rnrmc.org.uk.
One-Off or Recurring Donation
Payroll Giving
Did you know that you can donate to us directly from your monthly salary? This is a fantastic way to support us as the donation is deducted before tax. More information on our Payroll Giving scheme can be found here.
VIVO Defence List of Fundraising Events
See a full list of events you can take part of
If you are taking up an event to fundraise for our charity, please create a JustGiving page through this link - simply click the START FUNDRAISING button to set up your page!
Your personal fundraising page can be shared with friends and family, and it's a great way to track your fundraising process. If you have any questions regarding how to set up your page, please contact our friendly team on fundraising@rnrmc.org.uk
Price / Availability
There are numerous ways you can get involved, from making a one-off donation, taking part in a fundraising event or donating through our payroll giving scheme. It all helps us to work towards our vision of creating a world in which our sailors, marines and their families are valued and supported, for life.