b'THE ROYAL NAVY AND ROYAL MARINESIMPACT REPORT 2021WE AIM TO BE PROACTIVE THROUGH PROGRAMMES WHICH:CHARITY EXISTS TO HELP REDUCE Support for serving personnel and their families including partnerships that built resilienceO R A M E L I O R A T E S O M E O F T H Ein serving communities.Help to bring about successful transition for everyoneCONSEQUENCES AND DISADVANTAGESDevelop partnerships with naval associations and others to combat lonelinesand isolation through befriending and support networksT H ATC OM EFRO M SERVICE I NT H E ROYAL NAVY AS WELL AS TO HONOUR THAT SERVICE TO THE NATION. THEROYAL NAVYROYAL NAVY SOME 750,000 PEOPLE N AT U R EO FO P E R AT I O N A LT E M P O,ROYAL NAVY BELONG TO THE UKS NAVAL FAMILY AND THE LONG PERIODS OF SEPARATION,ARE AT THE HEART OF A N D P E O P L ES E X P E R I E N C E SEVERYTHING WE DOA S H O R EA N DA F L O A TC A NH A V EROYAL NAVYHUGE REPERCUSSIONS, SOMETIMES Q U I T EQ U I C K LYA N DO F T E NM A N Y WE RESPOND TO NEED BY:YEARS LATER. NO MATTER WHAT, THESupporting Casework networks which offer advocacy, informationand support to help people make positive changes to their livesCHARITY IS PRIMED AND READY, WITHHelping to promote independence and protect dignity for olderand vulnerable veterans For more on what we OT H E R S, TO H ELP. Partnering with over 60 different frontline charities anddo, scan here with organisations to provide support to those in need your Smart Phone3'