Give the gift of your time

There are lots of ways you can make a difference by volunteering for The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity, and its partner organisations, e.g. The Submarine Family. We recognise that your time is valuable, so whether you can only donate your time occasionally or become a regular volunteer, we're grateful for your support. Explore our current volunteering opportunities. 

Available Volunteering Positions
Office Volunteer 

Our office Volunteers assist The Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity by offering administrative support either within a specific department, as a general office administrator or as a receptionist at our HQ in Portsmouth. Your help may be needed for a particular project and period of time or on a more regular basis as an additional pair of hands. 

To find out more and apply, please click here.

Fundraising and Events Volunteer

Help us put the “fun” in fundraising by helping us at events. As a Fundraising and Events Volunteer you are the public face of RNRMC and could get involved in all kinds of activities including selling merchandise, organising children’s activities, chatting to the public about the work of the charity, marshalling, bucket collections, putting up gazebos. You could even dress as one of our charity mascots!

We only have a small fundraising team and aim to attend as many events as we can, and we simply couldn’t do this without volunteer support. Events may include fetes and shows, families’ days on ships and at bases, Royal Marines Band events, Armed Forces Days, RNRMC Field Gun Competition and Bournemouth Air Festival. We also organize our own events such as an annual dinner, which can be on board a ship or at an exclusive venue such as Greenwich Naval College. Some events are at weekends, while others are during the week.  Whatever your availability, we’d love to hear from you.

To find out more and apply, please click here.

Charity Champion Volunteer

The RNRMC Charity Champion role is open to serving members of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, RN Reserves, RM Reserves and URNUs. Supporting our small Fundraising and Engagement team, Charity Champions will help to raise the profile of RNRMC at their ship, unit, base, or squadron as well as within their local communities by sharing key messages and pro-actively engaging in, and promoting campaigns, fundraising events, volunteer opportunities and payroll giving.

To find out more and apply, please click here.